Saturday, December 6, 2008

Art Show

The Rostel Gallery in Dunsmuire CA was a perfect venue for the show! The combination of photographic work and film created life in stills and transformed the sacred into a dialogue. The place was overflowing with the right people. It was an assembly of locals.
I could not have been more blessed by their presence.
The show was a closure, the junction of a giant figure eight. And the years of shooting and interviews made sense in this moment of recognition.

It was a success because, I believe, the language within Pumalogy struck a cord with the audience.

The show happened, it became manifest.

Have a look at this newa article.

And some photos

Thank You !!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Screening And Installation

There will be a screening at the end of this month at the Rostel Gallery. This is a conclusion to the production chapter in Mt Shasta. I hope you will be mesmerized by beauty and depth of character and open to a new genre of film presentation. The show will actually be a photography expo and a multi media presentation. Watch picture and new way of looking at landscape then witness the portrait coming to life in interviews and motion!
I will see you there.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Interview with Dennis Smith

After knowing Dennis for ten years it has been a privileged to walk around the sculpture garden with him. The war memorial sculpture garden is located in one of the most stunning sacred areas around Mt Shasta. The large metal figures stand in the desert on the north, surrounded by wilderness and wildlife. When the wind blows through them they come to life.

Before anything else Dennis and I are friends and his encouragement has always been wind in my sails. Now we have the chance to hear what his perspective as a US Marine and Fine Artist is. We discussed war, Giacometti, art and life.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Full Moons, Cows, Rattle Snakes and moving lenticulars

Full Moons, Cows, Rattle Snakes and moving lenticular clouds; You will soon see slide of images behind the scenes. Also in the works is a motion picture that will feature the footage transferred from HD to small format so that you can see for yourself some stunning samples of Pumalogy work.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Winding Down

We are winding down the filming of the Shasta Documentary. And are waiting for a few more interviews including Zanger and Denis two remarkable characters. Zanger wrote the book on this place, literally and Denis is a good friend artist and war survivor whose wisdom has helped me continue a life of art.

The film process is arduous and rewarding. In the throws of the last bit of production, the post-production well on it's way. I have learned to let go and go with the river that is our film. This summer I had the chance to meet and talk to Khashyar Darvich who directed the "Dalai Lama Renaissance" narrated by Harrison Ford. He shot hundreds of hours in a two week and spent almost ten years making it. This is what I mean. It has taken me three years to shoot, juggling jobs and time and formats. And at first I imagined completing my film over the course of a summer.

I have adjusted my expectations and embraced the landscape that is now forged into my consciousness. The Pumalogy crew is winding down in this location with a grin ear to ear. There is some historic footage that I cannot wait to share with you!

In the next blog I will discuss the local music that has been and is been composed for us. Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Shooting In the Castle Crags Wilderness

Pumalogy has been on assignment collecting stories about the Mt. Shasta Outdoor Culture. In the last several weeks we focused on a rock-climbing story for the Shasta Base Camp.
Deep in the Castle Crags Wilderness behind Beck's Tower we witnessed and filmed pioneering level climbing. It is a breath taking location situated between walls of granite. It offered spectacular shots and excellent rope rigging experience.
For the Shasta Project we will be using landscape photography of the Castle Crags Wilderness and some exiting wildlife shots! We also hope to gain insight from and interview Styles Larsen a veteran Crags climber and business owner. His ideal is to connect the outdoor community and provide solid resources for visitors.