Saturday, September 20, 2008

Full Moons, Cows, Rattle Snakes and moving lenticulars

Full Moons, Cows, Rattle Snakes and moving lenticular clouds; You will soon see slide of images behind the scenes. Also in the works is a motion picture that will feature the footage transferred from HD to small format so that you can see for yourself some stunning samples of Pumalogy work.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Winding Down

We are winding down the filming of the Shasta Documentary. And are waiting for a few more interviews including Zanger and Denis two remarkable characters. Zanger wrote the book on this place, literally and Denis is a good friend artist and war survivor whose wisdom has helped me continue a life of art.

The film process is arduous and rewarding. In the throws of the last bit of production, the post-production well on it's way. I have learned to let go and go with the river that is our film. This summer I had the chance to meet and talk to Khashyar Darvich who directed the "Dalai Lama Renaissance" narrated by Harrison Ford. He shot hundreds of hours in a two week and spent almost ten years making it. This is what I mean. It has taken me three years to shoot, juggling jobs and time and formats. And at first I imagined completing my film over the course of a summer.

I have adjusted my expectations and embraced the landscape that is now forged into my consciousness. The Pumalogy crew is winding down in this location with a grin ear to ear. There is some historic footage that I cannot wait to share with you!

In the next blog I will discuss the local music that has been and is been composed for us. Stay Tuned!