Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Winter Shout Out

Inside the Pumalogy laboratories we are gearing up for post-production. We have been rearranging memory storage, formatting disk while juggling footage and archives. Data management is a major concern of ours at the moment as we are working with large file sizes. In a guerrilla fashion we are trying to paint a canvas with a quality production value while remaining small, mobile and inside the stories. So we are persisting out of our art kitchen and building the post production blocks for a smooth edit.
We have been living with the weather chasing storms and driving around the mountain for a good perspective of the oncoming front. After the sequence of endless wintery snow our skies gradually warmed up. But this march 2008 saw  a few stellar flakes and we were out with the Shasta Base Camp Crew collecting footage and stories from the front.
This message is a shout out to the winter who is giving way on the 21 to the next cycle. Farewell dark season and visit a few times before you go.  We will see you next year! As for the mountain, is the beginning of spring mountaineering.

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